
ePortfolios Resources

What is an ePortfolio?

Building an ePortfolio needs to start at the ground level. It will continue to grow as you fertilize, water, and nurture the contents. In the ePortfolio world, we call this “curating.” You will easily see that ePortfolios can start and grow in many places but it will be only as strong as you nurture it to be, just as grass plants its own roots. An ePortfolio is an expression of you. YOU own your ePortfolio because you are the creator, designer, and inspirer. Check out the links below to help guide and assist you as you develop your own ePortfolio:

What is an ePortfolio
Why Use an ePortfolio
Who Owns the ePortfolio
Examples of ePortfolios
How to Create Your ePortfolio
Check out the only North American ePortfolio Association: Association for Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-Based Learning and get connected.

ePortfolio Resources

WordPress for Beginners – 200+ videos on building a wordpress site
WordPress or Blogger – gain some insight here
Changing themes in WordPress? – check out what will carry over and what will not
Embed Anything into WordPress

Learner’s Mindset Discussions (LMD) ePortfolio Why Ep 30. In this episode we explore how sharing why an ePortfolio is an investment in oneself if much more important than explaining how to build one. If you can share why an ePortfolio is important to you chances are your learner will also appreciate why it can be important to them. 

Learner’s Mindset Discussions (LMD) What makes an effective ePortfolio Ep 10. In this episode, we discuss how to effectively use ePortfolios. Rather than use ePortfolios as simply a digital container we suggest that ePortfolios be used to help learner’s find and develop their voice and to share the results of their authentic learning opportunities. We know from the research that ePortfolios can be high impact practices if we give our learners choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning opportunities.

Learner’s Mindset Discussions (LMD) My 5 Biggest ePortfolio Mistakes EP12. In this episode, we discuss how to avoid making the 5 biggest ePortfolio mistakes that I have made. Another way to look at this is what are the 5 things I wish I did sooner with my ePortfolio or if I were to start from scratch with what I know now what would I do?. An ePortfolio is much more than just a digital drawer where you dump your digital content so if you use it wisely it an help you not only become a better learner but you can share these insights effectively with others.

Digital Learning and Leading ePortfolio Examples

K-12 Educator
Ryan King
Travis Leech
Kelly Joyce 
Erin Gerdes
K-12 Leadership 
Judy Cornelius
Chad Flexon

Jason Kern
Nicole Cruz
Cyndy Schroeder
Larry Umberger 
Stacey Clark
Higher Education
Brandi Livingston

Undergraduate Students
REAUD Honor’s College

Digital Citizenship/Creative Control

In the film industry, it is described as the designer as curator. Read the following short article to gain some insight on reverse-engineering other people’s success, collaboration/outsourcing, and providing value for free. Embrace failures with an open-mind; they may turn into successes tomorrow (Roasted Keyboard, 2016): Creative Control
ePortfolio learning requires the learner to be fully immersed in the ePortfolio process making learning visible. Learners get the opportunity to engage in choice, ownership, voice, and authentic learning opportunities that can be shared to the digital, global world.
ISTE’s Digital Citizenship Guidebook: Digital_Citizenship_Downloadable_10-2016_v11_web









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