UnderGrad Research

Setting Up Your Research Agenda

At this point, you are probably just starting to figure out your class schedule and college routine. But, it is never too early to start thinking about your passion and what gets you excited to go to class and learn each and every day. I cannot reiterate enough how important it is to plan 100,000 foot ahead so you can focus in on the steps and benchmarks it will take you to get there. Remember, that each step you take is progress towards achieving your goal, whether big or small, but the point is to remain hyper-focused. Even if you are unclear about your direction, choose a pathway and if that pathway is not what you really want to do, you will quickly figure this out and you can easily change gears. Read this article or listen to the podcast to help steer your thinking: Sir Ken Robinson – Discovering Your Passion

Consider this video about drawing your future and taking control of your life Ted Talk: 

Best Ted Talks 2015 – Draw Your Future – Take Control Of Your Life (10:32)
Published by: Project Happyway   Added: 03.2015
YouTube URL: https://youtu.be/4vl6wCiUZYc

Discussion Questions

1. What is your specific area of interest (major/minor) and which specific avenue are you considering to do research and study more closely? It is okay if you are still navigating this journey, just indicate as such.

2. What are some of the challenges you think you will face as you navigate your steps ahead with your research?

3. Read the PLN info below and review the link provided. Why do you think getting involved in professional learning networks (PLN’s) in your field is extremely important now and for the future?

Professional Learning Networks (PLN’s)

Planning your research agenda and thinking through what people are successful with in your field is a good reason to join professional learning networks in your specific field.
You can consume and contribute from the PLN’s you join whether they are on Twitter, InstragramFacebook, etc. 
3 Steps For Building A Professional Learning Network: http://www.edweek.org/tm/articles/2014/12/31/3-steps-for-building-a-professional-learning.html

Below are many resources to help you start thinking about your big picture goals and the steps you will need to take to get there. We want you to be aware of these resources earlier on in your degree program so you can begin taking steps toward your projected goal.

LU Library Guides (Lib Guides)

Lib Guides are a useful tool that LU offers free to students through the Mary and John Gray Library website online. Lib Guides can cover many topic areas such as how to find research, MLA citations, internet resources, etc.
Check out these LibGuides at Lamar University and see if your program has one already started. On the LU Library webpage, see the Quick Search. Then, click on Research Guides, choose a guide from the list, and scroll. *Note – some of the guides may be password protected for certain courses. There are also free LibGuides located online if you do a search for them. Many institutions have open LibGuides for students.

LU Library: https://www.lamar.edu/library/
MLA Citation LibGuide: http://libguides.lamar.edu/MLA
Undergraduate LibGuide: http://libguides.lamar.edu/undergradguide
LU Library Video Tutorials: http://libguides.lamar.edu/c.php?g=369335&p=2495723
LU Library YouTube Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/lulibrary/videos

Research Resources

As you are planning out your research agenda in the near future, consider what is important and key in your field. Ask yourself these questions and review the project plan sheet below to help you jump start your thinking:

  • What are some of the gaps identified in the literature pertaining to your area of study?
  • Is there a problem or question you would like to attempt to solve?
  • Which areas are under-researched in your field?
  • What are some hot topics that are currently showing up in the news and research reports?
  • How can you narrow down and isolate your ideas into a specific area? Which resources will you consult to do this?     

Refer to the project plan sheet below to give you an overarching scope or idea of what is to come in developing your research study in your field.

Please review the full Project Plan Sheet attached: Project Plan Sheet Working Draft_h&y.docx 




