Yearly Archive: 2017
The Myth of Average
I am reading Todd Rose’s book, The End of Average, where he posits that when we develop assumptions or generate conclusions based on what is considered average, and that all outside assumptions and conditions are variants of the average, we…
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Passion or Pity?
From the time I was a youth, I believed that there was a special approach, or prescriptive formula, or only one way to do things. I believed that the right way was always going to be more difficult because it…
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#Future Learning
World class education for everyone is a prerequisite for prosperity. Sal Khan – In personalized learning, we can use what’s already there but change the methodology. Content should be reflected in the energy and voice in deliverer, we shouldn’t have…
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Disrupting Education
“What is disruptive? Moving from consumption to creation….this is where the magic happens. When students create and tackle real things, they get engaged. Kids are hungry to create. They are looking for new ways to do it….stay up all night…
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Focus on the behavior now and the outcome will follow.
Grenny, Patterson, Maxfield, McMillan, and Switzler (2013) advocate to focus on changing goals, behaviors, or processes; do not focus on the results. You might be asking yourself….what does this mean? Well, let me share an example. When I was in high…
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Do you live in an Innovation Culture?
Innovation Culture “The innovation immune system is how an organisation deals with new ideas and can include strategies that kill innovation.” – Graham Brown Martin When you are in the position to implement change, are you working with an infected…
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Pedagogy, Disruptive Innovation, Growth Mindset, Professional Learning, Thib Talks
Build a School in the Cloud
Watch Sugata Mitra as he addresses these important questions: What is the future of learning? Where does learning come from? “Could it be…..that we don’t need to go to school at all?, the point of time you need…
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Professional Learning, Thib Talks, Disruptive Innovation, CSLE, Constructivism, Collaboration