The Golden Circle “Why”
The Power of WHY Let me tell you my story. In January 2015, I had my second child, Micah. I had gained almost 50lbs. I decided that it was time to start running to lose some weight. After many…
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"If you are not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original." – Sir Ken Robinson
The Power of WHY Let me tell you my story. In January 2015, I had my second child, Micah. I had gained almost 50lbs. I decided that it was time to start running to lose some weight. After many…
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Is data in the cloud protected? It sits on a physical server somewhere. Every password is breakable! The best way to combat ignorance is through curiosity! If we don’t understand where we are, we limit where we can go. Technical literacy allows…
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“Curiosity comes first, not the other way around.” Cultivate curiosity Questions and curiosity are like magnets that draw us to our teachers. If we place technologies before inquiry, we could be robbing ourselves of our greatest tools as teachers- our…
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Do schools kill creativity? Find out what internationally renowned speaker, Sir Ken Robinson has to say about nurturing creativity rather than undermining it. Do you think there is a need to radically redefine the term education that embraces multiple intelligences?
Professional Learning, Thib Talks, Pedagogy, Student-Centered Learning
Do Bullets Kill Professional Learning? What is it about the “sit and get” professional development model that we just don’t dare to deviate from? Could it be that we are comfortable doing the same thing over and over again assuming that our…
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Student-Centered Learning, Professional Learning, Research, Pedagogy, Collaboration, Feedback/Feedforward