Honors Experiences

Student Highlight – A Personal Story…..

Mackenzie Savage – REAUD Honor’s College student, Lamar University, Class of 2022

After settling into school and softball, the first opportunity I saw to truly expand and document my college experience was through my ePortfolio. This was a way to envision who I wanted to be as a college student, and to share that vision with others. I formatted my eP to contain a blog, photos of things I was doing in softball with my teammates, where I travelled, and everything I was doing on campus. I have added more to my site, such as the hours I spent shadowing , volunteer hours, and various pieces of school work. Without knowing  it, Dr. Thibodeaux had been picking up on the effort I put into my ePortfolio and reached out to ask if I would like to join her in a presentation over the importance of digital literacy. Because I believe in the multitude of benefits of the ePortfolio, I knew I would love the opportunity to be an ambassador alongside her. Several presentations later, I was asked to join the ePortfolio advisory committee. Since then, I have enjoyed my time on the committee because I am able to spread awareness and knowledge about something I am passionate about, and have been able to learn more about my place in the digital world through my work with Dr. Thibodeaux. As an  extension of the presentations, our committee  submitted a proposal and was accepted to present at the National Collegiate Honors Council in New Orleans, this November.

Honor’s Experiences

What do I put on my ePortfolio? Your Honor’s Experiences using the DAPR format below.
Choice, ownership and voice play a very significant role in the ePortfolio process. The COVA approach has four interrelated components:

  • The freedom to choose (C) how you wish to organize, structure and present your experiences learning.
  • Ownership (O) over the entire ePortfolio process – including selection of projects and your portfolio tools.
  • The opportunity to use your own voice (V) to revise and restructure your work and ideas.
  • Authentic (A) learning opportunities that enable you to make a difference in your own learning environment.
    Static (Stationary) Page Ideas, sub-pages are up to you
    Honor’s (experiences, pictures)

    Blog (weekly posts about topics of interest)
    Study Abroad

Examples of ePortfolios: http://tilisathibodeaux.com/wordpress/?page_id=513

COVA Resources

Link to ebook: http://www.harapnuik.org/?page_id=7291
Link to COVA Learning Approach: http://tilisathibodeaux.com/wordpress/?page_id=538


Make this easy for the reviewer; use the DAPR method as outlined below. How you organize your eP is entirely up to you. But, please date your activities!
For example, start with the subheading of FALL 2018. Then as you add each activity, list the date, the name of the activity, a picture, and a short reflection.
Your reflection should include what the activity consisted of, what did you learn and/or like about the activity, and justify your answer with a short 3 sentence reflection.

FALL 2019


*Maybe the acronym DAPR will help (Date, Activity, Picture, Reflection) for each experience posted.

Digital Minute Short Videos

Follow our collection of Digital Minute Library Videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/lulibrary/videos and our student-created tips and tricks here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8RGnSGzyNIxC6cdqtH4RViV0N8bQEIk1

Additional Helpful Information
Read this post to find out more:
Finding Your Voice
What is an ePortfolio?

Why use an ePortfolio?
Where do I start to create an ePortfolio?
41 Benefits of an ePortfolio

How often and when do I contribute?
You can contribute to your ePortfolio as often as you’d like. It would be my best advice to start early and document your experience as you go. Technical support will be limited, but we will help you get started by showing you some basic information on how to get set up.

See below for a final checkpoint at the end of each semester.

How can I tie my research and course work into my ePortfolio?
Make a research tab and/or course tabs. You can house your artifacts and ideas any way you like.

Honor’s Students ePortfolios
This is a list of honor’s students’ ePortfolios you can look to for examples.

Jackson Dolce: https://jackdolce.wixsite.com/portfolio/blank-1

Naomi Raczkovi: https://nraczkovi.wixsite.com/mysite/honors

Fizzah Khan: https://fizzahnkhan.wordpress.com/activities/

Zoey Henderson: https://zoeynoelhenderson.com/

Emily Robinson: https://emilyrobinson12.wordpress.com/reaud-honors-college-activities/

Joissy Grimaldo: https://joissygrimaldo.wordpress.com/involvement/

Samira Ahmed: https://ahmedsamira.wordpress.com/

Daniel Quispe: https://quispedaniel6496.wixsite.com/eportfolio/cultural-intellectual

















